While completing the diagram on this page think about and answer the following questions:

  1. What is a group?
  2. What groups am I a part of
  3. How does a group help me?
  4. How do I help a group?
  5. What is a community?
  6. Who are members of a community?


Photocopy the diagram and distribute it to students. It represents a person and the groups of which he or she is a part. At the center is "ME." As the awareness of "ME" grows outwards, individuals recognize that they are part of more and larger inclusive groups. Explain that people often think of their identity in terms of the groups with which they identify. They are to fill in the sections of the diagram with the names of groups they are part of starting with the closest and smallest to the farthest and largest.
    For example, the first circle from "ME" would be family. In the next level would be groups such as school, church, club team and so forth. In the next level they might put city or town, neighborhood, state, religious affiliation, and so forth. The next level of identification would be a large group like nation, gender, or race. The last level would be world or human being. (Options for expansion) Within each section students can also write what they give to the group, what they receive from the group, and the purpose of the group. Each section can also be colored a different to make the diagram more decorative.

Worksheets for Rebellion with Purpose Teacher's Guide copyright © 1999 SNS Press

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