people get really negative about the state of the world, I
often say that I live on a different planet. On my planet there
is beauty and the vast majority of people are good. I am surrounded
by beauty — the beauty of nature, the beauty of people,
and amazing human achievements. On my planet there is more
that unites than divides people. I seldom meet a mean person,
most want the same things out of life as I do, solutions to
problems seem obviously simple, and the spirit of “god” is
universal and can be worshiped without religion. I
have even noticed that hostile or irritated people may change
by treating them with friendliness. I
am well aware of world problems, but "my planet" is
not a world of unrealistic hopes and blind illusions; it is based
on achievable ideals based on factual observations and confidence
in human potential.
thousands of people all over the world are dedicated to solving
the problems of people and our planet. Millions of others live
their lives each day trying to be good people and good neighbors,
helping others according to their abilities.
terms of the world situation, we have war, religious and ethnic
hatred, environmental pollution, epidemics, starvation, cruelty,
and countless other conditions that threaten survival and human
happiness. On my planet these can all be solved because they
are the results of human choices. Wars are choices based on
fear or the desire to control others. The conditions of homelessness,
hunger and other human suffering are largely the results of
choices — how
leaders have set their priorities, how the nations of the world
have chosen to use their resources.
and hatred belong to the planet of fear. On the planet of fear
choices are made based on fear. “Leaders” are
chosen based on fear. Beliefs about the world are based on fear.
The way money is spent and the way “god” is worshiped
are based on fear. People are so obsessed by fear constantly
bombarding them in media messages and propaganda that their psychology
is shaped into a negative, hopeless worldview. With such a worldview.
people make harmful choices. People who do not see a better future
destroy the present.
parallel universes are created by the existence of different
worldviews. On one planet people are hopeful and make choices
based on ideals for a better future. On the other, people are
fearful and feel they can only survive and be happy if they control
or destroy the people who are different than them. On the first
planet people enjoy the beauty of diversity and value others.
On the second, people feel threatened by beliefs different than
their own, and only value people like themselves. On the first
planet, people use their resources for creative, constructive
works beneficial to the greater good. On the planet of fear,
people selfishly cling to whatever they have and try to accumulate
more even if it means hurting other people or nature.
inhabiting the planet of fear are suicidal and may or may not
realize it. They are tearing down the fabric of civilization
and nature and justify it with their negative rationalizations.
They are very skilled in manipulating the stories that shape
public opinion because only falsehood needs the hard sell to
make it convincing. Nevertheless, no matter how negative and
pessimistic people are, there is a good seed deep inside everyone’s
subconscious, urging them to envision a better future. That is
the “seed” in the genetic programming of all biological
species that promotes survival.
people do what comes naturally to them and are happy. They
do not feel the need to advertise themselves or convince others.
They let their works and their integrity speak for themselves.
The people who inhabit the planet of beauty and optimism don’t
seem to be as powerful as the merchants of fear, because they
are not pushy. However, an optimistic outlook understands that
it has what all people want.
Optimistic, idealistic people are those thinking about the future,
those working to find better ways of living and fulfilling human
potential. They are the ones who are developing a lifestyle that
will not harm other people or nature. Fearful people perpetrate
all destructive behavior, cruelty and negligence. Their numbers
grow only to the degree that they can obsess others with their
fear and thus control their choices even if those choices are
The power of idealism is that it is the lifeline for which all
people reach when they are feeling hopeless. Positive thinking
is a result of inner growth and a sense of confidence. This cannot
be forced on others, but only nurtured. Thus, people on the planet
of hope serve others and are patient that eventually the planet
of fear will disappear from their psychologies. When that happens
people will make different choices and the world problems will
begin to be solved.
Eventually the collective human psychology will reach the point
where there will be a shift to optimism and idealistic leadership.
When that happens there will be new choices made and new priorities
for using our resources. Forgiveness will replace revenge, tolerance
will replace hatred, and cooperation will replace selfishness.
Hope will replace fear as a motivation for human behavior and
people will see the beauty in life instead of the ugliness.
Parallel universes coexist because of the differences of human
experience and development. In spite of all the threats to survival,
there is still a planet of hope and beauty. The harmful behavior
that needs to be changed in order to fulfill the beneficial potentials
inherent in our planet and in human nature can only be done so
through a foundation of optimism and idealism.
fear is the root of human failure and destructive behavior
it can no longer be a cause for human choices. First, people
must not follow any so-called “leader” in any field — political,
religious, or economic — that uses words of fear to shape
people’s choices. Next, they must start to change their
perceptions so that they see the beauty that surrounds us. Then
they must develop the tolerance that appreciates the benefits
of diversity. They must develop the sense of confidence in their
own worth that allows them to accept the worth of others. Lastly,
they must work to heal those whose lives are painful due to deprivation
and past cruelty and neglect.
such a way will our universe change from a planet of fear and
suffering to a planet of happiness and fulfillment. It can
only happen as a result of human choice. Each individual has
the power to shape the planet that we all call “home.” In
a world of parallel universes humans must decide which prevails.
2006 Richard Sidy
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